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SelfClear Automatic Filter System

Feature-Tec SelfClear Automatic Backwash Filtration System removes particles from liquid process streams to support continuous production without requiring manual work. The system is equipped with a special backwashing setup for periodic removal of contaminants from the elements to maintain filtration efficiency.
SelfClear Automatic Backwash Filter System regenerates elements without stopping any equipment or industrial processes, making it ideal for continuous, high temperature processes.

Filtration Principle:
As process fluid enters the SelfClear® Filtration System, trapped particles forms a layer of filter cake on the cartridge element. This cake layer traps finer particles. The filtration system continually remove particles until it reaches a set pressure differential value. During backwashing, fluid inlet and outlet valves are closed as compressed gas is introduced, removing trapped impurities to renew filter elements.

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